FCC’s Newest Career Training Program

Frederick Community College offers new training in Logistics, Biotech, & Manufacturing

The Covid-19 pandemic focused the nation’s attention on the world’s interconnected supply chain, with Frederick County as no exception. Manufacturing slowdowns snowballed, as industries couldn’t get the parts needed to finish their products. Border closures and slowdowns on shipping routes meant that car manufacturers couldn’t get needed microchips. A lumber shortage caused building prices to skyrocket. Uneven demand caused shortages of essential supplies like toilet paper.

Frederick County is poised to keep up with the changing manufacturing and supply chain industries. Its location, strong highway and rail infrastructure, and competitive labor and real estate costs make the County an attractive location for logistics (150 employers) and manufacturing (275 employers). A thriving Biotechnology industry (215 employers) continues to break ground with innovative research and development facilities. These industries have all been identified as high-wage, high-demand, and employ a growing percentage of Frederick County’s population each year.

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In response to this demand, Frederick Community College has launched training programs to prepare students for transportation, warehousing, biotechnology systems and maintenance, and manufacturing technology. Supported by grant funding, the college has outfitted an advanced manufacturing lab and will teach students marketable skills.

FCC program manager Kathi Groover is enthusiastic about what this training program will mean for Frederick County:

“The program is short-term; anywhere from 2-6 months depending on the courses taken. We worked hard to develop classes that are affordable and hands-on, and as a noncredit program there isn’t an expectation that students complete a lot of work outside of class.”

Students interested in obtaining tuition assistance for career training programs like this one (and many others!) can learn more by attending Three Steps to Connect with Frederick County Workforce Services.

Community members, job seekers, and industry representatives are invited to learn more about the program and tour the space on Wednesday, September 1 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at FCC’s Monroe Center. The event is open to the public: register to attend here.

Ready to learn more?

Read up on the program and courses

Register for classes

Apply for financial support

Questions are welcome, email ceinfo@frederick.edu or call 301-624-2888.

Jessica Mills